
The Webby Awards

When you work hand in hand with an award winning agency like The Martin Agency, there’s going to be a lot of submissions to award shows. For the Webby Awards, every submission has to be submitted via web link. Every year I was responsible for laying out and sometimes designing the websites that hosted video entries, using a web based design program called ReadyMag.

Check out the websites by clicking the links below. The link will take you to a password protection screen, just enter the passwords associated with the site and you should be good to go!

Solo Stove: Snoop Gives Up Smoke (Password: solo)
Busch Beer: Save A Tree, Pee In a Busch (Password: busch)
Buffalo Wild Wings: The Overtime Deal (Password: bww)
Old Navy: Written By The Internet (Password: oldnavy)
Geico: Scoop There It Is! (Password: geico)
CarMax: Alpaca (Password: carmax)
